Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekly Reflection 11/18/13

          Today everyone presented their Media Literacy projects. I really enjoyed everyone's contribution to the class; I took away many new ideas to fill my own teaching toolbox with. I really thought teaching history through video games was a great concept. If I ever taught history, I would definitely teach it through strategy games that use the same statistics from the Civil War. I also enjoyed my own group member contributions. I thought Yasmine's website,, was really cute. The website did a great job incorporating real world issues, such as hunger and poverty, by allowing students to contribute without having to pay any money. Just by playing games and doing educational exercises online, they can give away free rice to people in need. I thought that was a wonderful idea. Jason's contribution,, where students can exercise ALL parts of the brain was illuminating in that  I never thought about working out the entire brain to increase abilities in one subject area. Amanda's website that helps students with basic grammar skills was also very useful in that a future teacher could allow students to gain strength in basic skills they would not have time to catch up on in class.

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